
Winter Newsletter 2018
Saturday, December 1, 2018 by The Adomakos


Looking out the window from our church missionary residence in beautiful Paradise, Pennsylvania and seeing those “white fluffy ice” gently falling to the ground reminds us of God’s unfailing love; the love that was demonstrated through the birth of His Son JESUS CHRIST (Luke 2:1-20). The Bible talks about how the heart of King David was strained by the darkness of sin, and yet he cried out to God, “Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow” (Psalm 51:7 NIV). His prayer was answered because the God of Israel had promised His people that He would take their scarlet sins and make them white as snow (Isaiah 1:18). Like snow, Jesus brings new life; yes, new life! God says, as “the snow from heaven…so shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:10, 11 NIV). 
By the Word which comes afresh to us at Christmas, we are saved and made whole: “For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord,” a Savior who will “save His people from their sins” (Luke 2:11; Matthew 1:21). Everything about this season points to JESUS…the reason for the season. No wonder the Psalmist opined, “for I will always be mindful of your unfailing love and live in reliance on your faithfulness” (Psalm 26:3 KJV). To this end, we would like to share with you and your family a few updates on God’s faithfulness from our space of ministry. Please take a reading…the following specifics: Family, Education, Ministry and Transition plans for our “PROJECT BACK TO GHANA 2019.” #PBTG2019 


By the Grace of God, we are all doing well. We are excited to share with you that a few weeks ago, we welcomed our baby girl, Jeanette Ayeyi (which means PRAISE in our native tongue) into the world. Thank you to everyone who prayed for our family. We are so grateful to be surrounded by such caring friends and family.  
Currently, Alice and I are getting close to the end of our respective degree programs (Master of Arts Degree in Leadership Studies and Bachelor of Science Degree in Biblical /General studies). After this fall semester 
(August – December 2018), both of us will have three classes (9 credits each) to complete our course work and graduate in May 2019. Please continue to PRAY for us, especially for Alice as she manages the home front for the family, and her online college work. Now, honestly, our plate is full, but thank God for wisdom and grace from above. His Grace is always sufficient (2 Corinthians 12:7-10). 
 Also, as you continue to pray for us, specifically for our educational journey here at Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary and Graduate School, please, if you feel led to support us financially, kindly send your donation / support / checks directly to our student account at Lancaster Bible College 901 Eden Road, Lancaster PA 17601. Attention: LBC Solution Center. Please write Emmanuel & Alice Adomako on the check memo line. 


USA Itinerant Ministry: This past fall, I had the privilege to feast on God’s Word at Codorus Church of the Brethren at Dunkard Valley Road, Dallastown, and Mill Creek Bible Church in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. God willing, I will be speaking at the LBC Student Missionary Fellowship on November 29, 2018. Also, I will be preaching in a couple of churches outside Pennsylvania in January--February 2019. It is all about heralding the message of GRACE that is greater than all our sin (Romans 5:20). Praise Report: A few weeks ago, LICI -Ghana received 20 Laptops (slightly used) donated by the Pequea Valley School District through the assistance of Pastor Tim Rodgers of Grace Point Church, Paradise, PA. These Laptops will be used to train and equip rural pastors in Ghana through LBC Free Bible Online Equip Program. Also, CMBC Paradise Kids donated VBS materials to LICI. Praise God with us and pray for me and my family as we coordinate all these provisions from God’s people. Our prayer is that a soul may come to know and walk with Jesus! Reaching one to teach one, a soul at a time! Donation photos below: 
GHANA Ministry Building Project: The ministry building project is still in progress. As you already know…when completed, it will create a permanent space for the following ministry outlets: Ministry offices, Library, Bible, and Leadership Training Center, and hospitality suite for families, visiting missionaries, pastors, ministry leaders etc. The total cost for the project is $240, 000. By God’s grace, we have raised 15% of the total cost. We are still trusting God for His timely provision, so we can complete the entire project by December 2020. Please, would you consider supporting this project? We are eager to see how this facility will serve our rural pastors, church leaders, kids and families in Ghana. Below are photos from the construction site. Photo Credit: LICI field volunteers. 


In a few months, my family and I will be transitioning back to our Motherland, Ghana, the gateway to Africa! We are going back to fully resume ministry work, so we can effectively and efficiently serve our rural ministry folks (Pastors, Bible teachers, Church leaders, Kids and families). As we all know transitions in life are never easy. Sometimes thinking about it alone leaves you with feelings of nostalgia, excitement, and certainly the smell of the unknown. Yet in the divine providence of God there comes a time when we simply must trust and obey Him by gently closing the door on one phase of our journey and make the passage to the next. In Acts 19:21, Luke uses the phrase, “Now after these things were finished” (NIV). Showing how it was time for the apostle Paul to leave Ephesus and move towards Jerusalem, even though he had some presentiments and even real fear in his heart about what lay ahead, yet he trusted the divine presence of God to be with him through it all as he 
“purposed in the spirit” to GO anyway! #PBTG2019 
God willing, in July 2019, it’s our turn to GO anyway, but we need your prayer and financial support to make this transition become a reality for God’s glory. We are fervently trusting God for His divine provision even as we share with you, friends of our ministry, and supporters /partners. We are embarking on raising support ($30,000 ) to meet the following transitional traveling/ministry needs within the space of 7 months 
(January – July 2019) Below are the details: Buying of Air tickets for a family of 5 flying from JFK or Philly airport to Accra, Ghana = $7,000, Shipping of donated ministry resources such as 20 MacBook Laptops, Bibles, Theology and Leadership books, VBS and Medical supplies etc. = $5,000, Renting of a 2-3-bedroom house in Ghana = $5,000 thus for family and ministry use (temporal space for 2years) and kick-start ministry work, plus a poultry farm /chemical shop business to generate long term funds locally = $13,000). 
If God is leading you to support any of the above ministry opportunities or needs, kindly send your donation /gift check to Emmanuel Adomako 1666 Mine Road, Paradise PA 17562. But for a tax-deductible receipt, please send your checks with the code 
“Scholarship” on the memo line (please do not put our names anywhere on the check). Write & Mail to Joy in Jesus Ministries, PO Box 135, Telford, PA 18969. 

Previous Posts

March Newsletter 2019
The Adomakos


Winter Newsletter 2018
The Adomakos


Fall Newsletter 2018
The Adomakos
